DEXA and Body Composition Analysis

DEXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) uses a small dose of ionizing radiation to produce images of the skeleton to measure bone loss to diagnose osteoporosis and to evaluate the risk of fractures. Serial DEXA studies establish whether implemented therapy achieves reversal or improvement of osteoporosis.
• VFA (Vertebral Fracture Analysis)
• FAT (Fat Composition Study, not covered by any medical health insurance)
This study is performed to determine the relationship between body fat percentage and body mass index (BMI). It establishes the specific distribution in the body components and detects asymmetries between the left and right side.
This study is excellent for athletes and patients who start an exercise and/or diet regimen and then as a follow up to assess the effect of such regimen.
Body Composition Analysis is not covered by medical health insurance.

Instructions and Contraindications

24 hours before the study, do not take multi-vitamins, antacid, antioxidants, or calcium supplements.

Pregnant women cannot undergo the study.

Weight Limit

350 Pounds. The weight must be corroborated at MEDFLIX with a weight scale that registers up to 500 lbs the day of the study. 

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